Marketing The Job

HomeRecruitmentMarketing The Job

Posting An Open Position

Prospective employees often look to the internet to find open positions. Larger organizations often have their own career center to list available positions, but many use job recruiting search engines to redirect to their online job listings and application pages. For smaller organizations without robust websites and human resources departments, online job listings can be posted directly to job search sites and applications can be submitted through that portal.

The top job search engines are: and Health care organizations in South Dakota can also post open positions on local websites such as the South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulations job page. For entry level positions, it is also a good idea to connect with local and regional colleges and technical institutes to have available positions posted on schools’ websites.

Marketing The Organization

Organizations must go beyond simply marketing an open position and sell itself to prospective employees. These tips can help employers write a simple paragraph to describe the organization and sell it to a prospective employee:

  • Include company name and purpose
  • Be sure to refer to the company in third person
  • Highlight (in one sentence) what the company does or has accomplished
  • Explain the benefits the organization offers to the community
  • Showcase the organization into the future

Source: San Francisco Chronicle.