
Finding and recruiting a qualified employee to join a health care organization is no easy task, so organizations who already employ quality workers should do their best to retain those employees.

An aggressive retention program is a worthwhile investment for any organization, providing cost savings, better service and stability.

Retention in the health care field takes on an added importance, as patients expect to receive treatment and care from a consistent crew of trained professionals. A continual turnover of personnel can have a negative effect on patient care.

Health eCareers, as part of its Recruiting Trends Survey, offers four tips for recruiters to help providers retain good employees:

  1. Hire someone who’s a good fit, not who comes at a low cost.
  2. Push for impactful talent management funding.
  3. Emphasize the organization’s reputation in the recruiting process.
  4. Recognize and own a few key goals at a time.

The links below are designed to help health care facilities retain the quality employees they’ve already recruited. Our recruitment pages will help member organizations recruit employees.

Adhesive note with Good Job text on a cork bulletin board

Did You Know?

To bring more people into the field of aging, Eden Prairie, Minnesota-based Elim Care created a new position called a resident concierge representative (RCR). Read about it on the LeadingAge Center for Workforce Solutions site.

Source: LeadingAge