Relocation Costs

Posting An Open Position

Organizations must go beyond simply marketing an open position and sell itself to prospective employees. These tips can help employers write a simple paragraph to describe the organization and sell it to a prospective employee:

  • Include company name and purpose
  • Be sure to refer to the company in third person
  • Highlight (in one sentence) what the company does or has accomplished
  • Explain the benefits the organization offers to the community
  • Showcase the organization into the future

Source: San Francisco Chronicle

Did You Know?

The average cost of an interstate move is around $4,890 based on an average weight of 7,500 pounds (equivalent to a 2-3-bedroom home) and an average distance of 1,000 miles as well as various moving services needed. If these numbers seem high to you, keep in mind that an interstate move tends to be much more expensive than a local move.

Source: 2022